Daniil Trifonov - Silver Age 4 (Vinyl)
格式 | LP |
片裝數 | 4 |
生產地 | 歐洲 |
語言 | 英語 |
性別/組合 | 組合 |
類別 | 古典音樂 |
來自俄羅斯鋼琴大師”Daniil Trifonov”推出全新大碟”Silver Age”!
收錄著名作品”Prokofiev: Piano Concerto”, ”Stranvinsky”及”Sciabin”樂章!
Daniil Trifonov’s new album, Silver Age , recorded with Valery Gergiev and the Mariinsky Orchestra, recalls a time when Russia’s composers, poets, artists, dramatists and star performers were among the most original anywhere in the world.