Sennheiser x Music Club: Track to the Harmony (HKU Singing Contest Final 2025)
門票價格 (票價已包含$10行政費用)
Zone A | *會員: $250 | 非會員: $280
Zone B | *會員: $220 | 非會員: $250
Zone C | *會員: $190 | 非會員: $220
*會員須為香港大學音樂社會員 (請在付款備注提供閣下的University number以核實會員身份)
線上購票後,需在2025年2月26日至28日期間(9:30至12:30和14:00至18:00)親自到指定地點 (香港九龍旺角太子道西193號新世紀廣場2期11樓1103室) 領取實體門票
The voice morphs into train, the music a track, leading to harmony — a radiant destination.
Sennheiser x Music Club: Track to the Harmony (HKU Singing Contest Final 2025) 呈獻 將會在 2025年3月2日(星期日)香港大學陸佑堂舉行。今年共有 9隊 soloist 和 13隊 group performers 在一眾參賽選手中脫穎而出,進入最終回。決賽會有 Dr. Wong Chi Chung、Erin Yan、LK 高暉為評審。當晚除咗可以見到一班finalist係舞台上大放異彩,更邀請到陳健安、Michael C、Zpecial 為大家帶來精彩表演,立即購票,萬勿錯過!
1. 每人最多可以購買4張門票。
2. 使用微信支付/支付寶香港/FPS/八達通付款時,請在付款備註中註明全名和電話號碼。然後,保存完成交易的截圖,並通過WhatsApp(6365 9782)或電郵(發送截圖,以加快領取門票和驗證過程。
3. 座位將根據所選區域的可用性和先到先得的原則分配。
4. 強烈建議在指定時間內領取門票,以避免活動當天的潛在延誤。
5. 所有門票銷售最終且不可退款,除非明確說明在退款政策中。
1. 如因活動日期重新安排在持票人無法參加的日期,他們將有權獲得50%的退款
2. 如因不可預見的情況導致HKU歌唱比賽決賽取消,所有持票人將有權獲得全額退款。
3. 如有任何嘉賓表演者無法出席活動,持票人將有權獲得20%的門票費退款。
4. 退款申請必須在活動日期後3天內提交,以確保及時處理。
5. 請允許7-10個工作日處理退款申請。
6. 如要申請退款,請聯繫MYCDSHOP(WhatsApp: 6365 9782)或發送電郵至(,並提供您的訂單號碼、全名、University number。
7. 如有任何爭議 MYCDSHOP 擁有關於退款最終決定權。
Terms and Condition
1. Each person can purchase a maximum of 4 tickets.
2. When paying using Wechat / AlipayHK / FPS / Octopus, please include your full name and phone number in the payment remark. Then, please save a screenshot of the completed transaction and WhatsApp 6365 9782 or email to This will expedite ticket collection and verification.
3. Seats will be assigned within the chosen zone based on availability and a first-come, first-served basis.
4. It is strongly recommended that to collect the ticket during the designated period to avoid potential delays on the event day.
5. All ticket sales are final and non-refundable unless explicitly outlined in the refund policy.
Refund Policy
1. If the event date is rescheduled to a day that ticket holders are unable to attend, they will be entitled to a 50% refund.
2. In the unlikely event that the HKU Singing Contest Final Round is cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances, all ticket holders will be entitled to a full refund.
3. If any guest performers are unable to attend the event, ticket holders will be eligible for a 20% refund of their ticket fee.
4. Refund requests must be submitted within 3 days after the event date to ensure timely processing.
5. Please allow 7-10 business days for the processing of refund requests.
6. To initiate a refund request, please contact MYCDSHOP via (WhatsApp at 6365 9782) or email (, providing your order number, full name, and University number.
7. In the event of any disputes, MYCDSHOP reserves the final decision regarding refunds.